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Nollywood Actor Jr Pope Shares a Lovely birthday Message to Wife As She Adds 1+

The picture above is the Wife's picture, which he (Jr Pope) uploaded earlier this morning on Instagram alongside a lovely birthday Message which read:

" Happy Birthday To The Envy Of All Women,My Wife and my life @qutejay It started with that youthful exuberant thought of just having a fling with you when I first saw you,Little did I know that like a lion cub I was on a journey to find my pride.......My ways changed,My blessings tripled,My joy multiplied, and within a couple of years I am a Daddy of two. Dear God I bless the day you (Jenny) came into my life.Though it's not been all rosy; I Will do anything and everything to make my marriage work.....So help me God.....Happy birthday My life and love....20/01/2017"

Happy Birthday to Her.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO....envy of all women...OK na,,we say happy birthday to her



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